Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Packing for Africa!

Any idea what it takes to pack for Burundi, Africa for a month? Lots of snacks, cans of tuna, peanut butter, a battery powered fan (hot and sticky with no a/c), Irish Spring soap (my favorite), toiletries and medications for a month, batteries and chargers for everything, one filter water purifier (Sawyer) and one UV Ray purifier (Steri Pen), basics to teach for 3 weeks, a few resources to put on reserve at the Hope Africa University library, 2 laptops, external hard drive, and USB sticks, etc, etc. Oh yes, and we are taking a man's suit for a friend and a sport coat for Mark (expected to dress up on Sunday in addition to a clerical collar) and just the right clothes that will be cool and will dry quickly when washed.
Frank and Carol Ogden, Burundi veterans, and others who have been there more often than we have been helpful. In addition to what we expect will be our two check in suitcases, we will be responsible for another couple suitcases of medical supplies being transported by the Ogdens for Kibuye hospital.
Thanks for your prayers

Monday, December 5, 2011

Burundi here we come!

In less than a month, Mary Ann and I will be off to Burundi, both teaching at Hope Africa University.
Getting our courses ready to teach (Homiletics and Family, School, Community Collaborating in Childhood Education-Yes! MA's course has a title at least something like that!), making lists and checking them off, getting medications, cool clothes, snacks and packaged food will occupy our time. We will meet in a few days with our fellow travelers and longtime Burundi missionaries, Frank and Carol Ogden to ask some more questions.
I have finished a three month interim pastor stint at Deer Flat Church in Idaho and thus am available to concentrate on getting ready.
Thanks for your prayers!